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Jersey Zoo Turns 60! 

Jersey Zoo is celebrating its diamond anniversary today.

It's 60 years since Gerald Durrell first opened the zoo in Trinity, beginning what would become the now world-famous conservation charity. 

Since then, 14 species have been saved from extinction and more than 435,000 hectares of habitat have been protected.

Honorary Director Dr Lee Durrell's told Channel 103 how she feels seeing the organisation reach this landmark:

"I couldn't be prouder.  I think the Trust is just one of the - if not the best - conservation organisations in the world.  We do what we say we do.  We have got the best, dedicated and devoted team of conservationists.  I am just so proud of what we do, and I know we will go forward and do even better."

Durrell lists is achievements over the past six decades as:

14 species saved from extinction
46 successful attempts to control invasive species across 29 locations the survival chances of their target species increased by 150%
382 scientific publications produced thousands of animals released into the wild, of 26 species, including:
45,458 agile frogs
361 pink pigeons
174 mountain chicken frogs
116 pygmy hogs
42 red-billed choughs
21 Madagascar pochards

5,500 conservationists trained from 142 countries around the world
435,445 hectares of habitat protected, equal to 609,867 football pitches,
532,394 ha of marine and coastal habitat (45,370 football pitches)
56,546 ha of freshwater wetlands (79,196 football pitches)
163,198 ha of forest (228,569 football pitches)
183,307 ha of grasslands (256,732 football pitches)

The charity recently launched its 'Rewild Our World' strategy, setting out four headline goals to achieve by 2025, when Gerald Durrell would have celebrated his 100th birthday.

*10 ecosystems across the world's major biomes rewilded
*100 threatened species on the road to recovery
*500 endangered species projects working more effectively
*1,000,000 people better connected with nature

Durrell will celebrate turning 60 with its Go Wild Gorillas sculpture trail this summer.

Photos of the opening of Jersey Zoo in 1959 supplied by Durrell

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