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Privacy Matters - Episode 3: The Citizen - What Are Your Rights And How Can You Enforce Them?

Privacy Matters: The World Of Data Protection

Sunday, 25 July 2021 - 28 minutes

Welcome to Episode Three of Privacy Matters - a series of podcasts brought to you by Be-Secure in association with Channel 103. 

We're talking about data protection in the real world, what it means for you your rights and your business, and we'll consider what's likely to happen in the world of data protection in the next five to 10 years. 

In each episode, we focus on one aspect of data protection, mining the knowledge of our expert Brian Siney from Be Secure, a niche consultancy business providing professional services to clients in the Channel Islands, the UK and across Europe. 

Brian is truly a data protection expert with more than 25 years of experience of both commercial and financial services businesses in Jersey.

Today we'll be talking about data protection as it relates to us the citizen consumer, what are our rights? How do we enforce them? And if it goes wrong, to whom do we complain? 

Let’s start with an update on some of the global news stories as they relate to data protection, particularly in this instance, as they relate to the world of the citizen.

1.    Citizens’ Rights and enforcing your date protection rights – the case of Richard Lloyd versus Google (1:18)

2.    How could your personal data end up on the dark web and what are the potential impacts? (3:05)

3.    What are some of the recent enhancements to citizens’ data protection rights? (4:16)

4.    What difference has GDPR made to the rights of the citizen? (4:22)

5.    The battle over personal data and privacy between Apple and Facebook (6:23)

6.    How do we as citizens exercise our data protection rights? (8:52)

7.    What are Data Subject Access Requests and how do I ask for one? How long would an organisation have to respond, and can they charge me for that information? (10:22)

8.    What should I do if I suspect I’ve been the victim of a data protection breach? (14:09)

9.    And what can I do to escalate my concern? (16:58)

10.    What are the eight key rights that citizens have when it comes to data protection? (19:02)

11.    Where can the citizen go to help understand their rights around data protection? (24:10)

For further support, advice, and useful resources, visit Be Secure's website

Listen to the previous episodes in this series through channel103.com, Spotify, or on Apple Podcasts.

Thank you for listening. 

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