Entire households are now being told to self-isolate if any member is showing symptoms of coronavirus.
That includes a new continuous cough and or fever, with or without a headache, tiredness, muscle aches, sore throat, blocked or runny nose or gastrointestinal fever.
The person first unwell should self isolate in one room if possible, for at least 7 days or until they are clear of symptoms - whichever is the longer.
All other people in the house MUST self isolate for at least 14 days. The government says they could be carrying the virus without any symptoms.
If they develop symptoms, they too should isolate for at least 7 days or until clear of all symptoms - whichever is the longer.
Everyone must continue to practice strict social distancing after their isolation period has ended.
Should one household member develop Coronavirus symptoms late in the 14-day household isolation period (for example, on day 13 or day 14) the isolation period does not need to be extended for all members of the household, but the person with the new symptoms must stay at home whilst they have symptoms or for a minimum of 7 days-whichever is the longest time period, from the date that they first started showing symptoms.
If someone lives alone and experiences symptoms, the minimum isolation duration is 7 days after the symptoms first appear.
The Medical Officer of Health Dr Ivan Muscat said: “People living together are of course more likely to infect each other. If the entire household isolates when one person has symptoms, it will reduce the rate of infection passed on in the community by other household members who may not be showing symptoms.”
If someone who is unwell lives with anyone over 65 or anyone with existing health conditions that make them vulnerable; those older and vulnerable household members should:
*keep away from the unwell person/people as much as physically possible
* consider moving out of the household to other friends and family who do not have symptoms
While household isolation is taking place, the entire household must refrain from leaving the house at all, other than for a short period of exercise or essential shopping.
If leaving the house, social distancing measures, including staying away from other families and friends while maintaining 2 metres between anyone, must be strictly followed.
“People isolating within the household must continue with regular hand washing, using soap and water. If anyone within the household is
concerned about their symptoms, they should contact their GP by phone for further advice or in the event of an emergency phone 999. Do not attend your GP or the emergency department unannounced.”
Households needing to isolate should contact the Government of Jersey Helpline on 01534 445566 to receive advice on food and medicine deliveries.
Coronavirus Advice
If you think you might have the virus, you should self-isolate and call the Health Department's coronavirus helpline:
01534 445566
It's open every day between 8am and 8pm. Calls outside these times, or when the line is engaged, won't be answered straight away - but we're told to leave a message and Health officials will call you back.
Please don't visit your GP or the Emergency Department at the General Hospital if you think you have the virus.
Coronavirus symptoms are similar to that of the flu - a combination of a cough, fever and aching muscles. If you've had any symptoms, even if you haven't travelled abroad, we're being told to self-isolate until they clear up (for a minimum of seven days).
Anyone who has come into contact with a person confirmed to have the coronavirus should stay in self-isolation for at least 14 days.
All the latest information can be found on Gov.je.