Dementia Jersey is challenging islanders to get moving and walk or run 50 miles in January.
The 50 Mile challenge asks participants to clock up the distance miles before the end of this month.
All of the money raised helps support the 1,600 islanders living with dementia, and their families.
Wendy Buckley, Interim CEO Dementia Jersey, it provides a vital lifeline:
"All money raised in Jersey stays in Jersey, for the benefit of people in Jersey. The money that comes into our charity we use for therapeutic activities."
Last year almost 600 people took part, raising £32,000.
The charity would love to see those numbers beaten this year. 200 islanders have signed up for the challenge so far.
As well as raising money, the challenge is part of Dementia Jersey's efforts to create a dementia-friendly island by raising awareness and promoting a better understanding of the condition associated with the decline of brain function including memory loss and other thinking abilities.
Recently, 50 Jersey Police officers became Dementia Friends by taking classes and learning how to help people who suffer with it.
Details of how to sign up for the 50 Mile challenge can be found on the charity's website.