Taxi and cab fares for journeys from public ranks have gone up by an average of 3.3%.
Daytime and evening tariffs Monday to Saturday are 4% more expensive.
The States says that will make a typical ride from St Helier to the airport just over £13.
The increase has been approved by Infrastructure Minister Deputy Kevin Lewis who said it was ‘long overdue, so we has to agree this.”
“It hasn’t happened for some time now. But they (the drivers) are not getting the waiting time, so the clock is not necessarily ticking when you are stuck in a traffic jam, so their money has actually gone down a little.”
Information published on the States of Jersey website:
Based on the average journey distance, the tariff band increases are:
Tariff 1 (Monday to Saturday 7.00am to 11.00pm): 4%
Tariff 2 (Monday to Sunday 11.00pm to 7.00am. All day Sunday and Public Holidays): 2.8%
Tariff 3 (Christmas Eve and Boxing Day 7.00pm to 7.00am and from New Year’s Eve 7.00pm to 2 January at 7.00am): 2.4%
This increase means that a standard daytime journey from St Helier to the Airport (4.6 miles) will typically increase from £12.66 to approximately £13.13.