The skate ramp at St Ouen's Youth Club is back open.
It has been out of action for six months for refurbishment.
The ramp has been fixed with money left to the parish by the late Alfred Edward Le Boutillier.
Work has included fixing the surrounding fencing and repairing wear and tear.
“The skate ramp is a valuable facility for the youth of the parish, and attracts young people from other parishes. It is a popular space for young people to socialise and exercise.” - St Ouen Constable Richard Buchanan.
The ramp's return has been welcomed by youngsters in the parish and Assistant Youth Worker Emily Pinel:
“The skate ramp was installed after planning and research revealed a need in the area for young people to use their skateboards and scooters.
It has become a place where young people in the parish and from other parishes meet to hang out day and night to practice their skills.
When the skate ramp closed earlier this year for refurbishment many young people were sad that they weren’t able to access the skate ramp. It is a daily activity for many that live in the parish, which provides exercise and a place of socialisation for the young people. St Ouen is fortunate to have the space to provide such an activity which is a growing hobby that is enjoyed by many.”