Greve de Lecq beach is due to reopen on Sunday morning (3 April), having closed because of a seal sleeping on the sand.
The large adult male was discovered on Thursday evening (31 March).
It was reported to British Divers Marine Life Rescue co-ordinator Donna de Gruchy, who explained the seal needed to be undisturbed:
"This seal, along with all our other local grey seals, will be going through his annual moulting process which involves the seal spending much more time than normal out of the sea in order to try and replace his whole existing coat.
In this time the seal will also not be feeding as well as usual and he will lose some weight.
It is an exhausting process for him even though he looks like he is just lying there doing nothing, so he will be very grumpy, hungry and tired. The process can last for up to 3 weeks but it is all perfectly natural for the seal".
Volunteers have been keeping passers-by away while a small team of mammal medics and New Era vet Riccardo Cardia kept watch.
At high tide the seal went back into the sea and the team was stood down.
He returned to the beach early on Friday morning and spent the whole day sleeping on the sand.
Police and the BDMLR decided to close the beach for the safety of both the public and the seal.
"The majority of the public & locals have been so lovely and understanding of the situation we find ourselves in and have been so interested to learn more about the moulting season of the grey seals.
Colleens Cafe have been so kind looking after us with tea and cake and the local St Ouen honouries have been there in a heartbeat when we have needed assistance.
I am so proud of my team for all the time they have put into keeping everyone & the seal safe whilst answering lots of questions".
On Saturday morning the seal was swimming around on the high tide and again chose to haul out on the beach.
At around 11am he was spooked by the sound of a dog barking and made a dash for the sea.
After an hour, he disappeared out of sight. If he hasn't returned to the area, the cordon will be removed at 11am on Sunday morning (3 April)
"We do try and keep his location quiet to begin with, all volunteers are under strict instruction of no social media at first, but understandably as word starts to get out, interest starts, and we have found ourselves really busy with people coming specifically to see the seal."
You can follow any new updates about this seal and all the work of the BDMLR on Facebook and at bdmlr.org.uk .