Two Jersey primary school headteachers will also take the top job at another school from September under a new pilot scheme.
John Baudains and Vicki Charlesworth have been appointed as 'Leading Headteachers', in which their current school will partner with another.
Mr Baudains will be leading headteacher for his current school La Moye and Bel Royal and Les Landes head Mrs Charlesworth will also take on responsibility for St Peter's.
" I am really looking forward to taking on the new challenge of forming a partnership between Bel Royal and La Moye schools. I believe partnership working will be of great benefit to both schools and will enable us to share resources and expertise, supporting the development of both schools. I am looking forward to working closely with the staff, parents, children and community at Bel Royal school, as well as continuing to work with my existing team, and the parents, children and community at La Moye School.”- John Baudains
“I am delighted to have been appointed to this new and exciting role, which brings the communities of Les Landes and St Peter together. As the partnership develops, there will be many opportunities to strengthen both schools to secure the very best outcomes for children.” - Vicki Charlesworth
The partnerships have been established as the current headteachers Sonia Burton and Sam Dixon are about to retire.
The arrangements will be in place for an initial four year period.
Group Director of Education, Sean O'Regan, says it will allow the schools to work together closely on projects, share resources, and learn from each other to improve outcomes further for children.
“This exciting role, which is new to Jersey, is based on strong leadership development and school improvement principles. This is a pilot initiative, initially with a four-term appointment for each ‘Leading Headteacher’, with the long term ambition of an enduring and strong collaboration through these school-to-school partnerships."
Education Minister Senator Tracey Vallois has welcomed the new leadership model:
"As well as wishing a long and happy retirement to both Mrs Sonia Burton and Mrs Sam Dixon, I am sure that the children, staff and parents of Bel Royal and St Peter’s Schools will join me in welcoming Mr John Baudains and Mrs Vicki Charlesworth to their new roles in these exciting new school partnerships.”