Reform Jersey is calling for an immediate independent investigation into claims of a ‘toxic culture’ in Broad Street.
Party leader Deputy Sam Mezéc wants to see the government being proactive with its approach to recent government office rumours.
It is suggested the government establishes an independent investigation into allegations about the working environment at Broad Street and the circumstances that led to the resignation of States CEO Suzanne Wylie.
Responding to recent conflicting comments by Infrastructure Minister Deputy Tom Binet and Chief Minister Deputy Kristina Moore, as well as claims from a government whistleblower reported by ITV Channel news, Deputy Sam Mezéc says we will not get anywhere based on one politician saying one thing, and another saying something else.
"Stop answering every question by denying what's happening because she (Deputy Moore) has one of her own ministers breaking the line on that and saying there is a problem.
Rather than simply deny it and hope that it all goes away, we would expect her now to try to get the record set straight by having some form of independent investigation."
Ms Wylie’s shock departure came a week after the resignation of two senior health officials. The Chief Minister has stated on several occasions that the matters are unrelated, and that Ms Wylie is leaving for personal reasons.
Despite the calls for a review, Reform's leader does not want to see a vote of no confidence in the government minister, although he says the government can't expect to have respect for much longer unless they drastically change their approach.
"We owe it to the people of Jersey to have cool heads and to establish facts before we start to think about destabilising a government or having discussions about what an alternative government should look like.
I don't think that discussion should happen right now, but the ball is in the Chief Minister's court, if she is not prepared to address the allegations that have been made then quite frankly she'll be asking for it."