It is more expensive than ever to get onto Jersey's property ladder.
The average price paid for a one bedroom flat has reached a record high of £263,000.
Latest house price figures from Statistics Jersey show the average sale price of one bedroom flats increased by £17,000 in the three months to the end of September.
There was also a £29,000 jump in the average for two bedroom flats, and a 17% (£76,000) rise for two bed houses - driven by a rise in sales of property in the near £700,000 bracket.
Overall, house prices rose 8% on a year ago, although the mean price of 3 and 4 bedroom houses dropped following big hikes in the spring.
The average paid for a property here is now £521,000 - more than £40,000 more than in London and almost a £100,000 more than in Guernsey.
Mean prices by size in Q3 2019 compared with the previous quarter:
1 bedroom flat - £263,000, up £17,000
2 bedroom flat - £413,000, up £29,000
2 bedroom house - £535,000, up £76,000
3 bedroom house - £633,000, down £31,000
4 bedroom house - £907,000, down £72,000