An open letter has been sent to the island's States Members urging them to reconsider the future of Fort Regent.
Sports clubs have slowly been moved out of the community hub while the government decides what's next.
So far, 18 have left since 2019, with just five expected to be remaining by the new year.
New campaign group 'Friends of Fort Regent' is now demanding that the moving of clubs and facilities is stopped until a fully-costed plan for its future is put forward.
Spokesperson Roy Travert has been telling us what the ideal outcome is for them.
"We need a proper conversation with the minister for sport, Deputy Lucy Stephenson, and I would like to ask her to come and have a meeting with us and put an affordable way forward."
In the letter, the group says the Fort contributed significantly to the economy 'in its prime'.
"They attracted visitors and tourists to the area, generating revenue for local businesses and creating jobs.
The gradual loss of some of these facilities over the years (for example cable car and swimming pool) has had a negative impact on the local economy and tourism industry."
Mr Travert says that the facility also has a great impact on the community.
"At the moment, the weather isn't great in Jersey and Fort Regent is a wet weather facility and a community centre for everyone and everything.
Parents take their children up there to use the play zones, which are very well used. It's not just about the sports aspect, it's about all the people that use Fort Regent as a community centre."
Alongside the open letter sent to deputies, the group has set up an online petition, which you can find here.