Students from Jersey College for Girls and Jersey College Prep have been working with Jersey Trees for Life to start planting the hedgerow that will surround the field.
The project has been 10 years in the works, with plans for the field first drawn up in February 2014.
Approval for the College to turn agricultural land into a wellbeing 'break out' space has now been granted by the Planning Department.
The field will be for recreational use as well as outdoor learning, informal games and ecological study after undergoing some landscaping work.
JCP's Eco Team have planted the very first tree, with Key Stage 2 and Year 7 students planting an additional 359.
Sylvie is a Year 6 student is excited to see the trees fully grown.
“I found the tree planting a really enjoyable experience. It was so nice knowing that the whip I had planted could be part of something bigger.
Everyone from Jersey Trees for Life were so kind, helpful and understanding.
The trees will make the field so beautiful and will act as a great home for Jersey's wildlife. I can’t wait for the hawthorns to grow and bloom for many years to come."
Students should be able to use the field after the Easter holidays.