Rental properties in Jersey now have to meet a set of minimum standards.
A new law has come into force designed to look after tenants in the island.
Landlords have to make sure smoke alarms are installed on every floor.
They'll also need carbon monoxide detectors installed in any room with oil, gas, wood or coal heaters.
The alarms will need regular checks, and gas and electricity supplies will also require yearly inspections.
Environment Minister Deputy John Young says this new law will protect island tenants.
"These changes are vital and long overdue. It's important that tenants are protected from hazardous and unsafe accommodation.
"Although these changes won't solve all of Jersey's housing problems, they will bring safety standards in line with other jurisdictions and will make sure that rented dwellings do not pose a risk of harm to those who live there."
The new law also gives Environmental Health the power to enter properties and take "immediate action" if the tenant is deemed at risk of serious harm.