83% of islanders say they will get a Covid-19 vaccine when they're offered it.
A 4insight survey commissioned by the government asked 2,000 people for their views during the first two weeks of February.
17% expressed hesitance at having the jab.
The online and phone responses also suggested:
* 85% support getting the vaccine to protect themselves
* 88% support getting the vaccine to protect the community
*94% said they are complying with all COVID-19 restrictions
* 65% believe other Islanders are complying with all COVID-19 restrictions.
The Office for National Statistics reports that the UK’s hesitancy rate recently decreased from 22% to 6% when data was collected between 24 February to 28 February 2021, compared to when data was first collected in December 2020.
Some of the reasons for hesitancy includes concerns about side-effects, beliefs that they are not at risk from Covid-19, the vaccine not perceived as effective, and being against vaccines in general.
“It is good news to see that Islanders are feeling positive towards getting the COVID-19 vaccine,
The data that has been gathered is informative and helps us with the ongoing roll out of communication regarding vaccinations. I thank everyone who took part in the survey.” - Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf.
The survey was conducted by 4insight with the support of a team of behavioural scientists from INFLUENCE AT WORK who are currently working with the Government of Jersey.
CEO of INFLUENCE AT WORK, Steve Martin, said: “One of the biggest influences on how we think and act, is how those around us are thinking and acting. Our survey clearly shows that the majority of Islanders will get their vaccine when it is their turn. It also provides clear confirmation of the widely held view that being vaccinated protects not just ourselves, but our friends, family and fellow Islanders too.”
The government says Public Health will use the data to inform ongoing policy and communications.
48,732 doses of the vaccine have been administered in Jersey as of Wednesday 17 March.