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More Jersey Babies Being Breastfed

Officials are looking into what more can be done to encourage mothers to continue breastfeeding when their baby reaches six to eight weeks old.

Newborn babies that are being breastfed on the island has increased by 5% in the last three years, with 80% of new mums now making the choice.

However, once the baby reaches six weeks, only 60% of mothers continue to feed their child with breastmilk.

Assistant Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Louise Doublet, says the government is looking to address the drop.

"The UNICEF Baby Friendly programme aims to put in that support on the maternity ward and breastfeeding support beyond those first few weeks."

A 'breastfeeding buddies' event was held at Millennium Park to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week.

This year's theme is aimed at helping more families to learn about breastfeeding and support one another.

One mother spoke of her experience with her newborn, saying mothers are expected to reach out when they need help but some don't have that confidence.

Deputy Doublet also believes that the burden of breastfeeding shouldn't fall solely on the mum.

"It needs the support of the second parents. So the second parents should have the capacity to be able to support with other things around the house so that the mother can concentrate on breastfeeding.

But when quizzed on single mothers who don't have that same support system, Deputy Doublet says more needs to be done. 

"I'd be interested to hear from any single mothers who might be struggling with that.

As a government, our services need to provide the support at whatever level that family needs, whatever that family looks like.

Of course workplaces as well are critical. And we do have that now in our legislation that workplaces provide breastfeeding facilities."

Mothers in Jersey also have the automatic right to request 'breastfeeding breaks.'

New parents are receiving homemade fruit boxes to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week.

Each fruit represents a baby's tummy size over the first ten days of life and the importance of healthy eating.

"A blueberry shows a new-born's tummy size on the day of their birth. Tummies quickly grow to the size of a cherry on day three or four and then an apricot on day ten. Babies grow quickly!

We hope this gift teaches families that healthy eating is important for mums, as well as babies. Sowing the seeds of good early eating habits bears the good fruits of health improvement throughout the life course.

Breastmilk helps protect babies from common infections such as tummy bugs, colds and flu, ear infections and COVID-19; diseases including diabetes and asthma; obesity and sudden infant death syndrome. New mums also benefit and get extra protection against breast and ovarian cancers, heart and blood vessel diseases, obesity, and osteoporosis (weak bones)." - Deborah McCoy, Infant Feeding Specialist and Community Midwife.

You can find more information about breastfeeding here.

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