An independent report on planning permission for Jersey's new hospital on the current site is now with the Environment Minister.
Deputy John Young will scrutinise inspector Philip Staddon's findings and decide whether to give it the go ahead.
Speaking in the States earlier this month before receiving the report, Deputy Young says he will take his time to go through all the details.
"I will need time to give the report and all of the inquiry documents very careful consideration."
It's the second application to build it on Gloucester Street, nearly a year after the first was rejected by the previous minister Deputy Steve Luce.
More public hearings were held by Mr Staddon in September to look at the revised Gloucester Street plans, and whether other sites would be more suitable.
There's still fierce debate on where the £466million facility should go - after the Hospital Policy Development Board chair said that Overdale or the Waterfront would be better options.
The Health Minister's adamant that the current site is the way to go.
A final vote on the location is due to take place in the States next month.