Jersey's Mental Health wards have re-opened to visiting friends and family of patients.
The St Saviour's Hospital buildings have strict COVID-19 safety measures in place to safeguard staff, patients and visitors.
Visiting time has also been limited to 30 minutes per person.
Beech, Cedar, Maple and Oak ward will be open to visitors from 2-4pm daily, and Orchard House 2-4pm and 6-7pm daily.
Chief Nurse Rose Naylor said he was happy to be opening their doors to visitors again.
"We are pleased to be able to welcome visitors back to our Mental Health units and we have put in place these important measures to keep people safe.
"It’s so important for patient well-being and recovery to see their friends and relatives and we ask that visitors comply with the guidelines we’ve set out for their continued protection."
Currently, only adults are allowed to visit, and they'll be asked to provide their travel history, symptom checking and confirm any known exposure they may have had to COVID-19.