A mental health podcast has been launched in Jersey with the aim of getting people to talk and open up about their experiences.
'This Is Me' is hosted by teacher Alan Falle and digital producer Stephen Coleman, who worked on a government campaign last year to listen to islanders' stories for mental health awareness week.
Today is the start of Mental Health awareness week! We are looking back at our conversations with 6 Islanders about their Mental Health experience. If you, or someone you know, needs support, visit https://t.co/6YYv298naN Together, we're here for you.
— Government of Jersey (@GovJersey) May 10, 2021
▶️ https://t.co/Y5ZHY8Jti5 pic.twitter.com/0S8QjyuKXm
Stephen spoke about living with anxiety for more than 12 years in the podcast's first episode.
He says he wants to give people more of a platform to talk.
"There is more people out there than the six people that we interviewed a year and a half ago that have these issues, but we just don't know about it.
Some people struggle to talk about it and I know that when I struggle to talk about it, I found it a great comfort to hear other people's stories so I knew that there was a way out of it.
Not only was it the same sort of person (in the government campaign), they all came from different backgrounds and it was just incredible. So inspirational to hear them making that big step and if I found comfort out of it, I knew other people would also find it comforting."
Different islanders will feature on the podcast over the coming weeks to share their experiences.
Stephen says he hopes it will help at least one person who's struggling to speak out and get support - and that he's always happy to speak to people who are, or have been, in a similar situation to him.
"I know how dark it can get and just by talking makes it just so much better. It's nice to get it out and not to sit there and just letting the thoughts and everything run in your own head, so I'd always encourage people to seek help as well."
Each episode features questions, looking back on the previous episode, and a different guest or theme.
It can be heard on Spotify and Apple Music and is available to watch on YouTube.
"Spread the word, it’s time to talk. After all, this is who I am, this is me."
Mental Health support contacts:
- Adult Mental Health Services - 01534 445 841 / 01534 445 150
- Mind Jersey - 0800 7359404 (urgent) / 07829 933 929 (admin line) / admin@mindjersey.org
- CAMHS - 01534 445 030 / hsscamhs@health.gov.je
- The Listening Lounge - 01534 866 793 / info@listeninglounge.care
- Jersey Recovery College - 01534 505 977 / hello@recovery.je
- Samaritans - 116 123
- Jersey Eating Disorders Support - 07797 774 794 / getintouch@jeds.je
- Triumph Over Phobia - 01534 608 008 / topjerseyci@gmail.com