Officials in Jersey are looking at whether 'short-term' accommodation could be provided to Ukrainian refugees with family already in the island.
The External Relations Minister has told Channel 103 that government officers are investigating what support could be given to people in Ukraine caught up in Russia's so-called 'specialised military operation'.
Ukrainian officials say at least 40 people have died since Russia launched its attacks on the country in the early hours of Thursday morning.
Jersey's Senator Ian Gorst says the island will continue to impose sanctions in line with those set out by the United Kingdom.
"We are deeply disturbed by what is happening in Ukraine today and overnight and we support the UK in condemning this aggressive action.
We recognise, of course, that all wars and invasions like this have a very human side-effect, and we are seeking to support Ukrainian nationals living here who may wish to have their families join them as well as continuing to implement sanctions simultaneously with the UK."
Senator Gorst says Jersey's government has already been contacted by people in Ukraine with a link to the island looking for help.
He says anyone currently in the country should contact the Government of Jersey or the UK Foreign Office for help evacuating the country.
"The Foreign Office has a 'no travel' restriction on Ukraine and the country's air space is closed, so we have already been contacted by a number of people with connections to Jersey who are travelling by car across the Polish border."
Jersey's External Relations Minister, Senator Ian Gorst
Ukrainian nationals who are immediate family members (spouses, children, or parents) of British nationals are able to come to Jersey under the existing immigration rules. The Minister says that doesn't necessarily apply to everyone:
"The challenge for non-British citizens, and Ukrainian citizens here working in Jersey whose families might wish to join them, is the issue of obtaining a visa. You can't automatically travel to the UK or Jersey.
My officials are working with Jersey Customs & Immigration and the Population Office, together with the United Kingdom, to investigate what might be possible with regard to short-term ability to come and join family members in Jersey whilst the situation is so volatile in Ukraine. That's our priority.
If that is possible, then we'll be working right across Jersey's communities, organisations and individuals who want to - and are able to - support an individual whilst they may be in Jersey."
Deputy Chief Minister, Senator Lyndon Farnham, is in acting charge of Jersey's government while Senator John Le Fondré is off-island.
In a statement, he says the Council of Ministers is closely monitoring the international situation:
"The images we are seeing in Ukraine today are deeply disturbing and Jersey Ministers and officials are closely monitoring developments.
We want to do all we can to help Ukrainian nationals who are living in Jersey, so we have tasked a small group of officers to support them directly.
Officers have already been in touch with several families and any others who require advice or assistance can email externalrelations@gov.je where officers are waiting to respond with the relevant information."
Acting Chief Minister, Senator Lyndon Farnham
Senator Farnham re-iterated the island's position in enforcing international sanctions against Russia:
"We are fully alongside the United Kingdom in its condemnation of this aggressive action, and we will act promptly in line with the UK’s response.
The UK is ultimately responsible for our foreign relations as a matter of international law, and we implement both UK and UN sanctions."
Senator Farnham added that any additional asset-freezing sanctions will come into effect immediately, with a full list of affected funds published via the Jersey Gazette.
He says the island 'stands ready to swiftly implement' any additional sanctions the UN or UK government may announce.