Islanders have been reacting to plans from retailer Romerils to overhaul its site in St Helier and build nearly 100 homes.
Designs remain on show at the Town Hall until 4pm today (3 November)
The proposed scheme has attracted hundreds of comments on social media in the 24 hours since it was made public.
It includes building a block equal in height to be nearby Hue Street flats on top of the existing store.
Christine is against the proposal:
"OMG no please no not more flats in St Helier. When will it all end!!! Someone please please make them STOP building flats/houses/hotels/offices for a few years at least!!!
It would be nice to hear of some entertainment places being built to cater for all ages and our dear tourists NOT IN ST HELIER TOWN!!! My blood is boiling writing this!!! "
Stephen disagrees with her saying:
"Before y'all moan, where do you suggest that more accommodation is built?
You don't want high rise, you don't want urban sprawl and you don't want the last remaining green spaces used?
Make your bloody minds up they aren't going to magically appear on dock nine and three quarters on the Albert Pier!!"
The 10 storey building would provide 26,000 sq feet of retail space, including three independent shops, 94 apartments and underground parking which will include disabled parking.
Peter supports the plans:
"It’s supply and demand, flood the market with apartments and value of that sector of the market will reduce.
We don’t have enough land to give everyone a three bed house with a garden.
Better to build high rise."
Sarah says:
"St Helier is becoming a concrete jungle."
Romerils' boss Mark Syvret says ideally he would like over 15% of homes to be affordable.
Harry says:
"I do wonder how many of you who complain about more flats being built and get upset that town is being developed more and more, already own a home or have somewhere to live.
There's a housing shortage, the market needs to be flooded to enable people to actually be able to afford to live here."
Nina agrees exclaiming:
"I like the design and this part of town has flats nearby so these apartments will not be out of place .
We urgently need more accommodation and living space."