Housing prices in Jersey have risen by 7% in a year.
A working household on an average income can now only afford a mortgage for a one or two bedroom flat.
The average price paid for a property in 2018 was £490,000, up from £458,000 a year earlier.
It's the biggest annual increase in a decade - with all types of home reaching their highest ever average price.
It means a couple on average earnings now can't afford a mortgage on the typically-priced house of any size.
But far more properties changed hands last year than in 2017 with housing market activity up from 7 to 14%.
Advertised private sector rental prices were 9% higher than in 2018.
Mean prices by size in Q4 2018 compared with a year earlier
1 bedroom flat - £238,000, up £11,000
2 bedroom flat - £400,000, up £45,000
2 bedroom house - £456,000, up £36,000
3 bedroom house - £580,000, up £24,000
4 bedroom house - £928,000, up £93,000