There are calls to relax isolation rules for fully-vaccinated people who have been identified as direct contacts of coronavirus cases.
Currently, people within the Common Travel Area who are double-jabbed and come to Jersey from a red zone only have to isolate until getting a negative border test result.
However, everyone who is contact traced is told they must isolate for ten days.
872 direct contacts are currently isolating in Jersey.
Dominic Jones, the CEO of JPRestaurants, tweeted to say changes are needed 'before the whole island ends up in isolation'.
Current policy surely going to need to change before whole island ends up in isolation. We either need relaxation in contact-tracing rules for fully vaccinated or we need tighter borders. Why have green light policy and then isolate fully vaccinated. We need to balance risks.
— Dominic Jones (@DominicCJones) June 16, 2021
Economic Development Minister Senator Lyndon Farnham then responded, saying those who are fully vaccinated should be exempt from all isolation.
I completely agree, those fully vaccinated should be exempt from all isolation. If absolutely necessary a PCR test after contact tracing should suffice. Ministers currently discussing. I am looking for a quick resolution.
— Sen. Lyndon Farnham (@lyndonfarnham) June 16, 2021
Senator Kristina Moore has written to the Health Minister calling for 'urgent consideration' to be given to changing what she's described as policy that 'lacks any common sense'.
This lacks any common sense! I’ve asked the Health Minister to give this his urgent attention. A shorter isolation meeting to suit the incubation period with appropriate 1st and 2nd test would surely help? https://t.co/EGhmg7NYLD
— Kristina Moore (@Moore4Jersey) June 16, 2021
"Over time recently there has been a lot of amending of rules and so of course with those amendments, there comes a level of inconsistency and I think people need to sit down and really give some careful thought to how to approach the subject of isolation.
"Of course isolation is there to prevent the spread of infection, yet it needs to be done in a reasonable and balanced fashion.
"I can see that there are people, particularly small business owners out there, who are petrified at being contact traced because they then have to pay the financial consequences - so there must be a reasonable, safe, but balanced way forward here." - Senator Moore
Could not agree more . Every day we live in fear of being contact traced and made to isolate - we would have to close if this happened as I am short staffed as it is .
— Portelet Bay Cafe (@porteletbaycafe) June 16, 2021
"We know that the incubation period is generally between three and five days so why not have a testing regime within that three to five day incubation period?"
This morning (17 June) Senator Farnhan tweeted an update on the discussions:
" At a meeting yesterday evening ministers asked Public Health officials to prepare an evidence paper to enable STAC to consider at their meeting next Monday and to provide advice to ministers as soon as possible. I would expect a final decision to be made early next week."
Senator Farnham says discussions are also taking place on the policy of children whose parents or carers are fully-vaccinated.
Children under the age of 18 who come to Jersey from a red region are currently being told to isolate for ten days, yet fully vaccinated over 18s from red zones only have to isolate until receiving a negative border test.
As important is the polcy for children of fully vaccinated parents/guardians. I hope Ministers understand how damaging this policy is for families who plan to vsiit Jersey or go to the UK to visit relatives this summer. Guernsey has the right policy - Jersey needs to do the same.
— Robert Mackenzie (@MackenzieJersey) June 16, 2021