Jersey's newest States Member is calling for fewer restrictions on people trying to get on the property ladder.
St Helier Deputy Inna Gardiner wants to end the current system where people with links to a parish get priority for first-time buyer homes there.
She says all families who are eligible to buy a property should be treated equally:
..."any criteria which puts a barrier/condition based on place of birth and/or links to a specific parish has no place in the 21st Century, when we are working to create an inclusive community where every family is valued equally."
Deputy Gardiner thinks the change would promote better social integration.
It would not apply to sheltered accommodation.
..."because we all know that for these developments, a connection to the parish where the residents have lived all their lives is important."
If approved by the States Assembly, the Housing Minister would have to draw up new allocation rules for the Affordable Housing Gateway by the end of the year.