Children who live and go to school near the Millennium Town Park have been suggesting how it can be improved.
The playground is getting a revamp, and the government has been asking for ideas of what it can add for children in the area. People living and working nearby have been asked for their opinions.
An online survey has been available on the government website since May. At the start of this week, only 82 responses had been received.
The project team was in the park over two afternoons this week to hear from families. Children were invited to draw or write their ideas of the equipment they would like to see in the playground in the future.
Parents told Channel 103, "It takes a long time for various apparatus to be fixed. A lot of it is out of action. At one point there was more things not working than actually working."
"They haven't had swings for maybe about a year.
"Maybe some more sensory things, or things on the floor that kids can use instead of it being bare tarmac.
"More colours - it's a bit bland!