Jersey Airport is going to rearrange the car parks to accommodate more cars.
A further 120 car spaces will be added by moving the hire cars and allowing passengers to use overflow spaces in the staff car park.
Hire cars will be moved to a new area of the staff car park.
Marc Clayson, Innovation Manager, says there are not currently enough spaces to satisfy demand.
"We are reconfiguring the spaces we have, to allow more of our passengers to park their cars at the airport when they travel."
Work will start this week to make changes.
By the end of May there will be more entrance and exit points for the arrivals and long stay car parks.
Recently, a premium parking area was added. It has wider spaces and is also closer to the airport at a cost of £25 a day.
Bosses say extra parking is needed because more people are leaving their car at the airport following a price promotion introduced last year.
Marc Clayson says the airport is pleased the offer has proved popular and that a new payment method will be introduced.
“The new payment method will enable us to offer off-peak fees, and discounts for pre-booking, which we hope will better serve our customers.”
A spring parking promotion will also be launched soon and will stay until the new system is launched.