11 projects are being given share of £2.2 million of taxpayers' money.
The cash has come from the government's contingency fund.
It includes £250,000 to open a Jersey Finance office in New York.
£150,000 will be spent on a review of Fort Regent, to help decide the future of the ailing leisure centre.
£170,000 is going towards a risk assessment into the threat of money laundering.
Jersey's sportsmen and women will benefit from a £200,000 pot for travel grants so they can compete overseas.
The same amount is being spent on children's early years policy development.
More than £900,000 of the cash is to support the ongoing public sector modernisation programme (marked * below)
This is the third tranche of additional funding approved by the Treasury Minister from the 2018 contingency.
The money has been released ahead of a States debate triggered by Deputy Jeremy Macon asking for a two week notice period so that States Members can challenge department funding bids.
The Assistant Minister says decisions 'are being made in the dark'.
The other funding bids approved this week are:
Jersey and Guernsey joint working programme - £80,000
Income and spending survey - £100,000
Supply Jersey maintenance and licences* - £100,000
Commercial and procurement services* - £250,000
Expansion of international tax team* - £400,000
Completion of Nudge Campaign and Revenue Management System* - £160,000