Fertility charity Tiny Seeds is inviting the Jersey community to take part in a six-week fundraising challenge highlighting that 1 in 6 people face difficulty having a baby.
Throughout March, people can register to take part and then complete at least 1 of the 6 challenges:
- Swim Challenge - Swim 60 lengths. Track your laps and share your progress.
- Cycle Challenge - Cycle 60km on your favourite route around Jersey.
- Walk Challenge - Walk a total of 16km. Enjoy the scenery and document your journey.
- Run Challenge - Run 16km. Record your time to beat your personal best.
- Bake Sale Challenge - Host bake sale and aim to sell at least six different baked goods. Great creative with the 1 in 6 theme.
- Spring Clean Challenge - Do a spring clean and sell 6 items to raise funds for Tiny Seeds.
Tiny Seeds provides support for everyone affected by infertility or needing the help of fertility treatment to conceive.
Chloe Fosse from Tiny Seeds told Channel 103:
"People are welcome to chose one, people can do a few, or all six. We wanted there to be something for everybody in there and people of all ages.
"We are wanting to raise funds for the charity and the 1 in 6 people that we support. The challenge also brings awareness to that number."
"By joining in, you will be helping Tiny Seeds to continue to provide vital support services, including our much relied upon IVF Travel Grants for those who fall outside of government funding for IVF.
"We would be delighted to see the public get behind us with as many people as possible signing up. We cannot take away the pain, but we can help ease the burden for the 1 in 6 people who are struggling to bring home a baby.”
There are additional opportunities for the community to raise money including class-fundraisers:
A three-mile walk along St Ouen's Bay on Sunday 13 April starting at 10am.
They are running a yoga class with Lisa McCabe, Owner of OmShanti Yoga Living at Trinity Parish Hall on Saturday 29th March at 11am - 12pm
There are also Circuit Classes at Funktion Fitness on Friday 21st March and Friday 11th April at 2pm - 2.45pm.
"All the proceeds from the yoga and fitness sessions will go towards our work, and we would love to see as many people as possible joining us for our walk along St Ouen's Bay, and for them to bring along their own little tiny seeds!"
Registration and more information can be found here.