Eight more copies of STAC minutes have been put on the Government of Jersey website, but the latest is still more than three months out of date.
Documents from the Scientific Technical Advisory Cell meetings covering the period 27th July to 7th September have been put online.
They show the medical evidence considered by scientific experts and their recommendations to Ministers throughout the coronavirus crisis.
Deputy Kevin Pamplin, who won a proposition in July to have the minutes published, has regularly criticised government for failing to do what the States Assembly asked.
The Health Minister says he's 'doing all within his power' to ensure the decision is implemented.
The last tranche of minutes were uploaded to gov.je on 14 August.
Deputy Pamplin responded the latest publication on twitter:
— Deputy Kevin Pamplin (@KevinPamplin) December 17, 2020
As a man of integrity I’m grateful finally to say we have the missing STAC minutes up-to the 7th Sept. I watch closely to see when the next batch from Sept-Dec appear as they are so crucial to the assembly & the #JerseyCI public https://t.co/wEQHsVMbrx pic.twitter.com/W8WJUrRrcG