Jersey Consumer Council says Flybe has said it will address inconsistencies in the way its hand luggage policy is being enforced.
Its Chairman, Carl Walker, has told Channel 103 a first meeting has taken place with the airline and Ports of Jersey.
During it, Flybe is said to have 'acknowledged there are inconsistencies' between how baggage size is measured at different airports and promised an internal review.
Mr Walker revealed progress has been made:
"I had a meeting with representatives of Ports of Jersey and three representatives from Flybe, and I'm pleased to reveal that they have taken on-board all of the issues raised by consumers in Jersey and they've accepted there are inconsistencies in the way in which they are measuring bags across their entire network - and they're going to address this immediately."
Following @JerseyConsumer meeting with @flybe and @PortsofJersey, airline has promised action to tackle: Inconsistencies across network 're hand baggage gauges, location of final checks in JSY and to review imposing of £50 penalty on unaccompanied minors. Great result!
— Consumer Carl (@CarlWalker7) March 7, 2019
The airline has also promised to improve the way unaccompanied minors are dealt with, after reports children as young as 12 were charged £50 at the departure gate before being allowed to fly.
Following that story, the Consumer Council asked local travellers to come forward with their own examples of when they felt they had been unfairly charged.
Mr Walker says Flybe has committed to making improvements:
"They have also listened to the issues of overcharging children who are flying alone and charging them £50 for oversized baggage. Of great importance for the Consumer Council - due to the volume of complaints we have received, - (is that) they are going to look at the location of where they are doing the final baggage check and hopefully bring it outside of the gate to give passengers somewhere private to re-organise their luggage if it's been deemed too large to fit on board the aircraft."
The Consumer Council Chairman says that while Flybe's baggage policies are clearly laid out on its website, they haven't been enforced evenhandedly at different airports.
A spokesman for Ports of Jersey confirmed that discussions have begun between the groups. Channel 103 has approached Flybe for comment.