Nearly two thirds of shoppers asked want stores in Jersey to open on Sundays.
1,100 islanders and visitors took part in a survey that is being used to shape retail policy.
At the moment 30 larger stores aren’t allowed to open, and many smaller shops also choose not to.
63% were in favour of Sunday trading, with a preference for shops to be open 10am-4pm year round.
David Elliott from the Jersey Retail Association says it’s something they will be exploring:
“We had a lot of people saying they’d like us to do Sunday opening, and it was very largely young people asking for that. And yet we get constantly told it is young people that shop online. A lot of people talked about late nights in the week as well and we have tried that before, so we will look at that again.”
According to the findings:
- Local residents want lower prices; more choice of discount retailers; better customer service; later opening hours; Sunday opening and more parking.
- Visitors want later opening and Sunday shopping and more independent shops and street fairs.
The research conducted during September and October, using focus groups and online and street surveys.
Economic Development Minister Senator Lyndon Farnham says the information will be put to good use in shaping the retail development strategy.
It is expected to be published early in the new year.