Recent bad weather batters St Sampson’s pontoons
Strong winds have damaged the St Sampson’s Harbour wave pontoons and one of the supporting piles on the Southside pontoon wall. The damage was caused by a combination of strong easterly winds and very high spring tides.
The structures are designed to offer some protection to the St Sampson’s Harbour Marina. Guernsey Harbours’ maintenance staff will fully assess the damage to the structure and the piles during the day as tidal conditions allow.
St Sampson’s marina berth holders are being advised to check their mooring ropes and mariners are asked to exercise caution in the area. All mariners should comply with the instructions with the accompanying Navigation Warning issued by Guernsey Coastguard for
the area.
During periods of bad weather, all mooring holders are strongly recommended to monitor the latest weather and shipping forecasts, and to check their moorings regularly.