350 islanders have written to the Planning Authority, and almost all are against development on the field below the PEH.
Policy and Resources filed its outline planning application for 66 flats and extensive parking on the field known as Le Bordage Seath in December last year.
The committee says dedicated, on-site accommodation for nurses and healthcare workers is desperately needed, and that staff want to live on the hospital site, or very close to it.
The application caused concern amongst a number of deputies and La Societe Guernesiase, whose president, Roy Bisson, urged members to write to Planning to object.
In total, 350 individuals have done this, and Planning's president Deputy Victoria Oliver says that 'almost all' are opposed to the application.
"This is an unprecedented number of representations, showing good public engagement with the planning application process."
Deputy Oliver says it means that Planning now needs to assess whether the application is in line with planning policy S5, which would allow development for strategic purposes, even it is on a green field that is used for grazing cattle:
“For the Authority to be in a position to conclude that the current proposals would meet Policy S5, it is necessary for the application to demonstrate that the proposed development is of strategic importance in the interest of the health, well-being, safety or security of the community, or otherwise in the public interest, and that there is no alternative site available that is more suitable for the proposed development."
The Development and Planning Authority has sent a letter to P&R asking for a 'detailed site selection study' to allow officers to work out if it meets S5 criteria.
Deputy Oliver has told us that the application will certainly go to an open planning meeting, but given the need for more information, this won't be yet:
“This letter defers our consideration in order to request this additional information from the Policy & Resources Committee.”