The temporary site at Longue Hougue will close this Friday afternoon at 4pm (22 May), however the Chouet Green waste site will remain open for business as usual.
The extra facility was provided to help deal with an expected backlog following the closure of the Chouet green waste site in March, when restrictions were introduced on all but essential travel.
Recycling Officer Tina Norman-Ross said, ‘’We did see an initial spike in the amount of green waste coming into both sites when we reopened, which was only to be expected as Islanders have understandably taken the opportunity during lockdown to spend time in their gardens. But the sites are now much quieter, especially at Longue Hougue and so it makes sense to close the temporary site and return to business as usual at Chouet, although social distancing measures in place will still apply there.’’
Since opening on 27 April over 8,850 vehicles have visited the Chouet green waste site, and nearly 1,950 Longue Hougue.
’The first day of opening was probably one of the busiest we have ever seen at Chouet with around 800 vehicles. This resulted in some customers having to queue which was unfortunate. We saw an additional 200 vehicles at Longue Hougue.
‘Overall, we seem to now be getting back to normal for this time of year. Green waste is shredded and composted before being processed into a soil conditioner which takes around six months. The soil conditioner is available for all Islanders to collect, free of charge.
The Chouet site is open from 8am every day, closing at 4pm Monday to Saturday and noon on Sundays.
In addition, the Longue Hougue Land Reclamation site, for the commercial disposal of inert waste, will return to normal operating hours from Tuesday (26 May) 8am – 4pm. The site is closed Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays.