A hard-hitting demonstration involving smashed up car is being shown to hundreds of Guernsey teenagers this week.
'License to Kill' shows the dangers of bad decisions, drink driving, not wearing a seatbelt, using a phone at the wheel and speeding.
Police, fire and ambulance staff are talking to Year 11 students.
Jim Cathcart from St John Ambulance hopes they will learn an unforgettable lesson:
"Don't speed, wear your seat belt, don't be distracted by your mobile phone and don't drink and drive. We hope that if young people can take those messages away from today's presentation it will avoid them and other people getting hurt."
Roads Policing Officer Matthew Du Port says the presentation is deliberately hard-hitting:
"...(it) is unapologetically impactive. No one is invincible. The message we give here today, we want people to take forward so it can be remembered for years to come."
Firefighter Gavin Robins hopes it deters youngsters from irresponsible behaviour:
"We hope this is as close as they will ever get to being involved in a road traffic collision. It isn’t fun, cool or impressive to drive without regard for yourself or for others."
More than 400 young people will see the demonstrations this week. It is supported by Rossborough insurance.
"As youngsters embark on driving lessons and get on the roads, on scooters or in cars for the first time, it is incredibly valuable for them to have the opportunity to hear first hand from the emergency services about the potential consequences of getting into a car with someone who is intoxicated or driving dangerously through speed or lack of attention.” - Richard Clarke, MD