Joint emergency services launch a new road safety campaign in the islands.
"Road safety is paramount and should be central to every journey made – no matter what the mode of transport."
That’s the message as a joint emergency services and road user groups campaign launches today.
With Phase Five of lockdown now underway, the roads will become considerably busier than they have been. With more traffic it is vital everyone ensures they are using the roads in a safe manner.
A range of organisations are supporting the campaign:
Roads Policing Inspector Tom Marshall said: “Roads are a shared resource there for us all to get from point A to point B using our preferred
method of transport. As we return to normal, that mindset of sharing and mutual respect is one we need to remember. We worked so hard as a community in tackling the pandemic, let’s work equally as hard to stay safe on the roads. That’s why we’ve been speaking to road user groups of all backgrounds. Because whether you walk, cycle or drive, you have a responsibility to behave in a safe and responsible manner.
“We are asking everyone to engage that fantastic Guernsey Together spirit into their habits when on the roads – you owe it to everyone to do so. Be polite, be respectful, be courteous but above all be safe, and we can avoid any tragedies out there. Thank you.”
Guernsey Velo Club president Mark Smith said: “Guernsey Velo Club promotes safe and responsible cycling to all of our members, we ask our
members to recognise that all road users should be treated with respect in order to receive respect whilst on the road.
“We encourage our members to ride with consideration for other road users, whether pedestrians, horse riders or motorists and always give more vulnerable users as much room as they would expect themselves. The Covid 19 situation encouraged the community to maintain social distancing of 1 to 2 metres. We would ask that fellow road users give cyclists at least 1.5m when overtaking and to recognise the roads are a shared space for all of us to use safely.”