Ofsted finds positive change in the three areas rated 'inadequate' last year.
Ofsted inspectors revisited St Sampson's High recently, following a damning report in July 2022, and in a letter to headteacher Vicky Godley, said all areas of concern had improved.
'All senior leaders, with the exception of the headteacher, are new in post. Despite their tenure being at an early stage, they have developed into a cohesive and enthusiastic team that is respected by staff.'
Inspectors found pupil behaviour had improved and there was a focus on anti bullying initiatives, with a pupil ambassador scheme set up to root out the problem. Last year, the report said that some pupils felt 'unsafe' at the school.
'Leaders' approach to managing behaviour is helping some pupils to improve their behaviour. While there remain some pupils who have negative views of school and make poor choices in how they relate to others, such pupils are in the minority.'
There are now members of staff for children to go to if they need to report bad behaviour, and this has increased pupil confidence.
Ofsted say that as a result, safeguarding processes are now 'effective'.
Exclusions are higher than management would like, but Ofsted says that's partly because record-keeping has improved.
Inspectors found that work on developing the curriculum is at an early stage, and staff have yet to develop an understanding of the crucial knowledge pupils need to learn.
Guernsey's director of education, Nick Hynes, says that Ms Godley and the senior leadership team deserve 'a lot of credit'.
"One academic year is not a long time in which to make significant progress like we’ve seen at St Sampson’s High this year; it really is a fantastic achievement for the whole school."
The president of the Education Committee, deputy Andrea Dudley Owen, says she's pleased with the turn around:
"To take stock of that disappointment and use it to bring the school community together with a renewed focus is an incredible achievement.
The hard work that Vicky, her staff and her students, together supported by their parents and carers and the wider St Sampson’s High community has been recognised by Ofsted in this monitoring inspection and this focus on continual improvement is being reflected across the whole education system."