This autumn in Guernsey was the second mildest on record.
The average temperature for September, October and November was 14.4 Celsius.
That is compared to the 30 year average of 13.1 C and is the second warmest November since records began.
The bailiwick also had more rain and more sunshine than is normal for the season.
402 hours of sunshine were recorded - 22 hours more than the long-term autumn average.
Autumn 2022 in Guernsey - 2nd mildest Autumn since records began. pic.twitter.com/qQhO74b9dn
— Guernsey Met (@GuernseyMet) December 5, 2022
Total rainfall for the three months was 313.4mm, 53,6mm more than usual.
That extra rain came down in November, which saw almost 50% more than expected with a total 153.5mm recorded.
Last month was also milder, sunnier and windier than average.
November 2022 in Guernsey - A milder, wetter and sunnier than average month. 4th mildest November on record and 9th sunniest. pic.twitter.com/AiHghTOkO8
— Guernsey Met (@GuernseyMet) December 5, 2022