Islanders are being alerted to scammers impersonating Guernsey Police.
It's reported they are sending out emails from what could be mistaken as a genuine police address.
One person contacted was asked to help set the bait to catch criminals by sending an amount of money via bitcoin so law enforcement could track the transaction.
Guernsey Police say they would not contact the public in this way or expect them to assist in an arrest.
To catch out unsuspecting islanders, scammers use an email address with a slight typo to look, at first glance, as if they are official.
It's understood the email address that has been used is 'controfroom@guernsey.pnn.police.uk', whereas the official address is 'controlroom@guernsey.pnn.police.uk'.
The latest advice follows guidance from Bailiwick Law Enforcement this week warning about extortion scams.
Islanders who think they may have fallen victim to such scams are asked to contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040, or Guernsey Police via fraud@guernsey.pnn.police.uk.