An open planning meeting unanimously approved the application by the Guernsey Housing Association for flats in the Charroterie, but with conditions.
Passing the plans helps the States’ number one priority this term, to build more affordable housing.
Plans for the site have changed over the years.
Permission was given for 19 flats and three homes in 2021. Then, the States bought the land and passed it to the GHA for development.
They initially suggested 25 flats could the built there, then expanded the development to get 57 single bedroom units into the space.
The design that's been approved slopes back from the road. The front section is six storeys and rises to ten that at the back, closer to the rock face.
Planners want a bridge linking the top storey to Montville Drive above. This green space overlooks southern St Peter Port. Concerns were presented about the impact of the development on this area.
There was also concern about relatively little on site parking, but there are charge points for electric cars and e bikes.
22 letters of comment were sent to Planning, 17 objected, saying the building was too big, dominated the area and would interfere with the green space behind.
But many organisations were broadly in favour, including the Constables of St Peter Port. Most though, wanted assurances about the building’s impact on the green area above.
Development & Planning Authority President Deputy Victoria Oliver says it is the best use of the site:
"Although reasonable concerns were raised and considered, at a time when Guernsey has a particular need for more key worker accommodation, on balance I'm pleased that we could approve this development in line with the Island Development Plan in one of our main centres.
We have a limited amount of land in Guernsey, but this development makes the best use of the site in a way that is appropriate for the area and makes use of the topography.
This development also adds a public footpath through the site to the Area of Biodiversity Importance on the land above.
Overall, this development will help to address Guernsey's need for housing, particularly key worker housing for the hospital."