Guernsey Electricity will meet parishioners later this month to explain why it wants to close the Hougue Jehannet permanently.
The Vale Douzaine says Guernsey Electricity's confirmed it wants to make the temporary closure permanent.
Fences and signs have been blocking both entrances to the road that cuts through the Power Station site since the pandemic, with the company saying it's to protect strategic assets.
Vale Senior Constable Richard Leale says there's a process to follow and senior company staff will meet parishioners and anyone else who is interested:
"We've been told as a Douzaine that the closure is required on grounds of security – but not terrorist-related – and look forward to the Hearts and Minds meeting when we expect more detail on those reasons and an explanation why security can't be improved without total closure or at least retaining foot and bicycle access."
"I hope people take the opportunity to attend as this matter is now coming to a decision point."
The meeting is scheduled for 6pm on 23 August at the Douzaine Room.
Following this, he says there has to be a site visit and meeting, and again, anyone can turn up:
"If someone missed the public meeting in the road, they can actually turn up in court on the day and make their comments."
Jurats of the Royal Court ultimately decide on whether or not to close the road permanently.