There are no plans to introduce breath-testing for boat-owners in the Bailiwick despite there being a call to change the laws in the UK.
The British Port Authority, which looks after over 350 harbors and marinas is demanding that the UK Government introduces breath-testing for boaters suspected of being over the alcohol limit.
The campaign to highlight the dangers of drinking alcohol while in charge of a boat was reported in the Sunday Times and follows complaints from the owners of Britain’s ports and harbours that inebriated yachters and powerboaters are disrupting marinas and even causing collisions.
Guernsey's Harbour master David Barker says there are incidents which could involve alcohol but policing it would be very difficult.
He believes that in the vast majority of journeys between the islands common-sense prevails and skippers act responsibly.
He says he would not be in favor of breath-testing unless a boat has been involved in an incident and it was required to determine whether alcohol was a factor.