Public Health says there are no plans to restrict access to pubs, clubs and restaurants in Guernsey once students return to the island for Christmas.
Guernsey will not be closing venues where large bodies of students are likely to gather over the Christmas period unless 5 adoptive triggers are met.
Island FM asked Guernsey's Director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink whether there were any planned restrictions because many students will be returning from areas in the UK where the prevalence of COVID-19 is particularly high.
Dr Brink said the terms are laid out in the Exit from Lockdown Strategy:
"If we were seeing clusters of infections which we couldn't control, if we were seeing an increasing number of cases in our community, if we were seeing increasing hospital admissions, if there were increasing death rates and we had community non-compliance so I think as long as those five issues are not a concern to us then no we won't be shutting pubs, bars and clubs."