A revised Draft Development Framework has been released by the States of Guernsey Planning Service.
Extensive public feedback and a large consultation period have led to a number of changes being made to the framework. A revised Draft Development Framework has now been released for public dissemination.
You can read it here.
It follows the plans being reviewed in April and May of last year - during that time concerns were raised about transport access and use of important land. The following concerns and issues were raised:
The public use of the Important Open Land to the west;
Vehicle access, traffic generation and the impact of the development on the surrounding road network;
Housing density;
Flooding including surface water flooding, coastal flooding and the impact on the existing douit;
Impact on the amenities of existing residents;
The principle of developing greenfield land and the need for new housing;
Removal of on-street parking and impact on road safety;
Capacity of nearby schools to accommodate additional pupils; and
Infrastructure Improvements.
Amendments have been made accordingly, including a more thorough Traffic Impact Assessment. There is now the potential for 30 to 55 dwellings per hectare.
We're being asked to comment on the plans by emailing our thoughts to '[email protected]'. We can also contact the Planning Service in writing and the deadline for responses is 5pm on Friday 27th March.