States officials have laid out the categories of businesses affected in Guernsey and Alderney as the mask mandate takes effect.
The Civil Contingencies Authority announced on Monday that a face covering rule would be reintroduced due to concerns about the new Omicron variant of Covid-19.
Deputy Peter Ferbrache said that the mandate would not extend to any businesses that would have to stop operating because of it, such as pubs, clubs and restaurants.
Now the categories of businesses that are affected have been confirmed:
- All indoor shops including supermarkets, garden centres, pharmacies and takeaways
- Any business or outlet that sells products, goods and/or services to customers
- Banks
- Post offices
- Florists
- Petrol stations
Masks continue to be mandatory on public transport and in all government buildings, including Beau Sejour and the museums.
Businesses that aren't included - like pubs, restaurants and clubs - are still facing a 'strong recommendation' to wear face coverings wherever possible.
Officials say the mask mandate and recommendation should be implemented alongside other guidance such as distancing and regular lateral flow testing.