The winner of this year's Channel Island lottery draw is a Guernsey resident.
Number 192464 took the £1m top prize.
The winner has claimed the money, but wishes to remain anonymous.
Friday, 20 December 2019 15:26
The winner of this year's Channel Island lottery draw is a Guernsey resident.
Number 192464 took the £1m top prize.
The winner has claimed the money, but wishes to remain anonymous.
A new charity EnrichED has been set up by The Guernsey Institute to provide financial support to enable post-16 students to have equal opportunities.
Economists recommend a spending target of 3% of Guernsey's GDP in the medium to long term, to support economic growth.
Work on the 30-year refit of the Flying Christine III is progressing well.
Education's plans to phase out the £2.8M annual subsidy to reinvest in State education face opposition.
A survey by Guernsey's Health Improvement Commission shows islanders want smoking banned outside places like pubs and sports venues.
Guernsey's President of Environment and Infrastructure has issued fresh calls for introducing housing standards in the island.
After 11 years, and 269 games, GFC will bid farewell to Footes Lane - where the club was formed.
Young musicians from Biberach will join Guernsey residents in concert this May.