Nicki Harrison says the local literacy community is lucky to be surrounded by inspiration, as she celebrates the release of her debut novel this month.
Nicki Harrison's first book, ‘The Withering’, will be released on the 18 of August.
It will be the first book in her future trilogy.
She says she has worked on the concept for more than a year and has intentionally incorporated some hints to home:
"I'm a Guernsey girl born and bred so of course even though I'm creating a fantasy world it's going to have some local references.
I'm sure every local author, whether they have written about Guernsey or not, is going to be inspired by our home - I mean how could you not be?"
Nicki has linked many of the fantasy locations in the books to the Bailiwick:
"There is a town that is very much modeled on St Peter Port, and there is a naval base with the look and feel of Castle Cornet.
I've called a town Pembroke and a coastline Saints Bay.
There is also a woodland that is based on the reservoir, when I was walking around it with my dog I was imagining building it into the book."
Nicki was delighted to have many locals help her achieve her goal:
"Guernsey Arts recommended a local artist to draw my characters, I've had a local web designer and developer create a website for me, and even a local designer is creating some unique print media and bookmarks for me.
It's very exciting to have so many other locals involved and help me bring this to life."
Encia Trilogy Characters - drawn by local artist, Ryan De Haaff (recommended by Guernsey Arts)
The book is available to pre-order online. Physical copies will be at Guernsey's newest book shop, the Writer's Block from release day.
Nicki is also hosting a book launch event at the Guille-Alles Library on 24 August.