Work begins today for two months to scrape back moss and repair the main wall at St Saviour's reservoir.
Guernsey Water's Capital Delivery Manager, Carl Falla, says that an exceptionally wet July has meant that they prepared well ahead of work beginning:
“We timed this for the summer because the water levels need to be lower. With rainfall in July alone 214% above usual, it’s fair to say our water storage levels are higher than expected. Currently we have stopped filling St Saviour’s reservoir so the levels naturally fall before the works commence."
Teams will initially use abseil ropes to get access to the main front wall to clean it of moss and other greenery.
Work will then move to the rear wall, against which the water sits, and cracks in this will be repaired as necessary.
Guernsey Water expect the work to take two months.
During this time, Carl Falla says access to the walkway across the wall will not be possible but the reservoir walk remains open:
“Both sets of work need equipment placed within the walkway, which is why we have to close it to the public. It is an intricate and time-consuming job, critical to ensuring it remains safe, in good condition and serves us for many generations to come.”