A local photographer has been capturing the portraits of members of Guernsey’s African community to put on display in June next year.
Aaron Yeandle says he wants to capture this moment in history when Guernsey's diversity is increasing.
He's been engaging with the recently settled African community, photographing them in their homes and in his studio.
He says more than 60 have participated so far, but he wants more representation.
Aaron explains his vision:
"I'm hoping to create a rich tapestry of different cultures.
This is a really important chance to shine a light on all the diversity that we now have in Guernsey.
I feel quite honoured to be able to have this opportunity to produce a large piece of work that is really positive for our community."
He says the more the merrier:
"People from all over Africa who are now based in Guernsey are invited to participate in the African Community Project.
It would be wonderful if you or your family and friends would consider taking part in this unique and historical project."
Aaron's exhibition will take place in Art for Guernsey's St Peter Port gallery in June next year.
He can be contacted by emailing: aaronyeandle@gmail.com