Guernsey Milk's Missing Use-By Dates

Guernsey Dairy says customers shouldn't worry if they've picked up a litre of milk with use-by information missing.

Cartons of Guernsey milk have appeared without top stamps.

This usually informs customers of the use-by date, production time, and machine used.

Production Manager Dave Domaille says the missing information is no cause for concern.

He reassures the public this affects a very small amount of cartoons produced daily, and the product is still safe to consume:

"What has happened there is we produce six thousand litres an hour, and we have an ink jetter that automatically dates the milk as it comes through.

So there's been some sort of jam up on the line, so the first six that have come through have missed out on a date.

There's not a lot we can do with the current machinery that we have cause it's getting a little bit old now and it will happen occasionally.

Obviously, the older a machine gets the less reliable it gets and the more engineering it needs."

He added that customers can bring date-less cartoons back to the Dairy for a free replacement.

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