A local artist's work is being showcased on the Clarence Battery Steps.
The route to the Cow's Horn was repaired last year and now Guernsey Arts have been given the opportunity to install a public art piece.
On islanders' ascent to the Clarence Battery, they'll find 'The Poem'.
By local poet Chloe Gallie, the piece incorporates vision and sound, and has been translated into Guernesias.
“As a spoken word poet, I am just as interested in the way words sound as I am in their meaning so it's been particularly special to be able to include the audio element in this project.
"Beyond that, translating the piece into Guernesiais has added another layer of sounds to the experience and I hope people enjoy the opportunity to hear the work in our endangered language as much as I've enjoyed the opportunity to try and speak it.
"I am so inspired by our local landscape, we are so lucky to have such an abundance of inspiration all around us.
"Just listening to the sounds of nature in this spot is like hearing poetry so I hope this work provides a reminder to stop and be grateful for where we are and how far we've each come.”
A listening post has been incorporated into the design - the first-time one is being installed in a public place in Guernsey.
The post itself is solar-powered and therefore a self-sufficient way of providing audio in more remote locations.